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Студенты учатся и организуют свой досуг

Students and teachers completed the first week of e-learning. The students living in dormitory #2, on Umeltsev street, 13b, shared their impressions of the changes caused by measures aimed at safety and non-spread of coronavirus infection and showed their training places.

Students watch lectures directly from their rooms. All of them have laptops or stationary computers with an Internet connection.

Besides, at the dormitory medical monitoring has been strengthened. Every day, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the patient reception room, a USUE doctor examines students who have any complaints. As of now, nobody has signs of ARVI.


Students and teachers completed the first week of e-learning. The students living in dormitory #2, on Umeltsev street, 13b, shared their impressions of the changes caused by measures aimed at safety and non-spread of coronavirus infection and showed their training places.


Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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